Gender: female, mamma dog, spayed
Age: 2 yrs
Breed: Cattledog mix, tri color, short hair
Personality: exceptionally sweet, loves to be petted and have human interaction, affectionate, gives kisses, quiet, calm, excellent mom to her puppies as well.

Gender: female, medium sized
Age: 2 yrs
Breed: mix
Personality: shy yet talkative, energetic. Currently playdates with several handicapped dogs and is very sweet with them. They like her too :-)

Gender: male, short hair
Age: 2 yr
Breed: Yellow Lab mix, full grown medium sized
Personality: very happy, loves to play, has a tendency to chow down his food a little fast, loves other dogs

Gender: female, medium hair
Age: 3 yrs
Breed: Shepherd mix, mostly tan with black
Personality: velcro dog, loves human attention, likes being petted and loved on, likes other dogs.


Gender: female, mamma dog Age: 3 yrs
Breed: Husky mix, STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL EYES Personality: very happy dog, likes people, all the dogs in the rescue voted her as most friendly/best friend - they love play dates with her.

Gender: female, longhaired, needs periodic grooming.
Age: 3 yrs
Breed: long haired shepherd mix
Personality: very sweet, loving, playful

Gender: male, brothers
Age: 2 yr
Breed: Heeler mix, white with red
Personality: friendly, comical, we might consider adopting them separately

Gender: male, medium haired Age: 1 1/2 yrs
Breed: Labrador/Heeler mix, large
Personality: very playful, shy at first, loves other dogs, he is best friends with POPPY (female blind dog -- see Special Needs page),
Gender: male, medium hair
Age: 4 yr
Breed: Heeler mix, white with black
Personality: friendly, shy, active, likes dogs, gets along with cats, has a sister Gidget that he plays with daily.

Gender: female, short hair
Age: 4 yr
Breed: Heeler mix, white with red and brown
Personality: sweet, active, loves dogs, loves playtime, gets along with cats, has a brother Leonardo that she plays with daily.

Gender: male, short hair Age: 3 yrs
Breed: boxer/lab mix, tan and white Personality: very happy, loves to hang out and be petted, slightly dominant with other dogs.

Gender: male, neutered, medium/short hair Age: 4 yr Breed: ridgeback/cattledog mix
Personality: sweet, quiet, affectionate and friendly, shy at first then likes to follow you around, nice hiking and walking companion, interesting ridgeback

Gender: female, short hair
Age: 3 yrs
Breed: Bully mix, brindle
Personality: likes most dogs, puppies, has a best friend who's a chihuahua
Gender: female, mamma dog
Age: under 3 yrs
Breed: bully mix
Personality: likes people, would like to be an only dog